Charitable Activities

Our charitable activities are for the poorest and the neediest. We are mostly oriented on helping the young people, our main target being the street children. We extend our help to the refugee camps and in areas affected by famine, especially Korr. Furthermore, we work hand in hand together with our Benefactors and some other missionary organizations to reach out and help the poorest. Our charitable activities are supported by well-wishers who give food and financial donations.

Come Aiutare

Le nostre attività caritative sono per tutti e principalmente orientate verso i giovani più bisognosi ed i più poveri della nostra società. Il nostro obiettivo principale sono i bambini di strada ed estendiamo il nostro aiutoai campi profughi e nelle aree colpite dalla carestia, in particolare Korr. Lavoriamo in collaborazione con altri missionari per raggiungere e aiutare i più poveri. Le nostre attività di beneficenza sono sostenute da benefattori che donano cibo, vestiti o denaro al nostro centro, a sostegno dei poveri.
Peter Ndung'u

Testimony from Peter Ndung'u

When I came to Bosco Boys, my life turned around, I grew up at Bosco Boys Kuwinda. Before I came to Bosco Boys, I was a Former Street Boy in Kawangware. I passed my primary school exams and proceeded to high school and after high school I came back to Bosco Boys to Volunteer so that I could give back my appreciation  to the community. As a class six teacher, I was teaching Science and also teaching young kids computer studies.  After that I was very lucky because Fr. Sebastian gave me an opportunity to join University. I went to the University and I took a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations where I concentrated in foreign Policy diplomacy and I did a minor course in management. After that I did not want to take a regular job because I wanted to pursue my  dream of working   with young people so that we can bring up a new generation of young leaders who can at least continue shaping the society and making the world a better place. In my journey of self discovery and after university,  I also took up a different course and joined different groups, I followed the President’s award until I got the Golden award from the President and also represented Kenya and East Africa at the Nudge global impact leadership challenge in Amsterdam.